
March 2, 2001

The Honorable Donald Evans
U.S. Department of Commerce

Dear Secretary Evans:

I write on behalf of the Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition ("CITAC"), to explain why we believe that the new "Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act," popularly referred to as the "Byrd Amendment," is against the interests of American industry and the trade policy of the United States. Your recent reference (February 14) to the Byrd Amendment as "appropriate" legislation is a matter of concern to CITAC and its members. As you review this issue thoroughly, we believe you will share our concern over its ramifications.

CITAC is a coalition of American companies and trade associations that rely on open export and import markets to be competitive. We are therefore concerned about efforts, whether based on trade laws or on trade policy decisions, to close or restrict markets. The antidumping and countervailing duty laws are principal methods by which trade is restricted by the United States government; therefore, these laws and their implementation directly concern America's consuming industries.

The attached paper explains CITAC's opposition to the Byrd Amendment because of its impact on American companies. We urge you and your colleagues to consider it. We would like to meet with you personally to discuss this legislation and why it is not in America's interest.

With best regards.


Jon E. Jenson,
Chairman CITAC





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